4월21일 (일) 모임 (Brooklyn Prospect Park)

by 운영자 posted Apr 18, 2013


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4월 21일 일요일은 센팍 정기 모임 대신 특별히
Brooklyn에 있는 Prospect Park에서 모입니다.
유기택 회장님 내외분이
LA 갈비, 생조개 구이, 핫도그, 샐러드, 밥, 맥주등을
손수 준비하셔서 회원 모두를 대접 하려고 합니다.
또한 한승익 회원이 특수 제작한 초대형 바베큐 그릴을
클럽에 기증하기 위해 불철주야 고생하고 있고
거의 다 만들어 갑니다.
당일 파킹이 쉽지 않으므로 되도록
개인보다는 지부별로 카풀해서 오던가
전철을 타고 오시 바랍니다.

일시: 4월 21일 일요일
         8시 달리기 시작 
        10시경 바베큐 시작
장소: Prospect Park 안에 The Picnic House


The Picnic House

입구: Prospect Park West 와 3rd Street만나는 곳
전철: 2,3 train Grand Army Plaza 
        F,G train 7th Ave.
차편 필요한 분 문의: NJ 지부장 류종우 201-675-8674
Queens 지부장 백성기 646-529-9373

이날 센팍에서는 모임이 없으니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.
많이 오셔서 즐겁게 뛰고 맛 있는 음식 즐기시고
가족들도 데리고 오시기 바랍니다.

Picnic House

  The Picnic House offers the perfect venue for private events and parties, with a spacious hall available for rental. The Picnic House features a hardwood floor, lighting and heating systems, and other amenities, in addition to a restored exterior. Best accessed from Litchfield Villa or the 3rd Street/Prospect Park West entrance, the Picnic House is a brick- and glass-enclosed pavilion with a terra cotta tile roof. This airy space can accommodate up to 250 guests for concerts and lectures or 175 for dinner and dancing. Tables and chairs are available to renters at no additional fee. Click here for more information about  renting the Picnic House for a special event.

The Picnic House also offers a welcome comfort station for Park-goers taking full advantage of the vast open space of the Long Meadow. Next to the Picnic House, a shaded grove of picnic tables is spread out among the trees on a comfortable hillside that has been a favorite picnic site since the Park opened in 1868.

Click here to learn more about the history of the Picnic House.


The Picnic House is located behind Litchfield Villa (Prospect Park West near 5th Street) across the Park Drive.

By Public Transportation:
 MTA Maps
• F or G Train to 15th Street-Prospect Park or 7th Avenue station
• 2 or 3 Train to Grand Army Plaza station
• Q or B Train to 7th Avenue station
• B61 Bus along 9th Street to 9th Street/Prospect Park West

By Car:
From Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges: Take Flatbush Avenue to Grand Army Plaza, then Prospect Park West exit to 5th Street.

From Verrazano Bridge or Brooklyn-Queens Expressway: Take BQE to Prospect Expressway, 10th Avenue/11th Avenue exit. Make a right onto 10th Avenue. Turn right onto 20th Street, and again right on 7th Avenue. Make a right on 3rd Street to Prospect Park West.


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