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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

오늘 아침부터 기분이 약간 다운이라서 제가 센트럴 공원에 요즘 즐겨하고 좋아하는 코스 브리들 패스(Bridle Path)에 뛰었습니다. 센트럴 공원에 브리들 패스라고 승마길로 만든 포장이 안된 길이 약5 마일 있어서 그길 달리기도 좋아요. 오르막이 내리막이 좀 있어서 재미있습니다. 그리고 더운날에는 나무가 브리들 패스를 가리니까 좀더 시원하고요. 뉴욕 달리기 선수들이 많이 뛰는 코스이고요. 오늘 아침부터 80도 넘었어요. 역시 더우니까 페이스도 천천히 뛰야되고 물도 많이 마시게 되요. 더울 때 절데 무리하지마시고 꼭 물 마시고 페이스를 늦처주세요!

좋은 하루 되세요! Just. Keep. Running!

Distance: 7.03 mi
Time: 59:26
Avg Pace: 8:27 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 1,097 ft
Calories: 746 C

Time: 59:26
Moving Time: 58:02
Elapsed Time: 1:02:39
Avg Pace: 8:27 min/mi
Avg Moving Pace: 8:15 min/mi
Best Pace: 4:03 min/mi

Elevation Gain: 1,097 ft
Elevation Loss: 1,071 ft
Min Elevation: -76 ft
Max Elevation: 249 ft

Heart Rate
Avg HR: 149 bpm
Max HR: 169 bpm
Training Effect : 4.6

Bridle Path, New York City
Central Park's Bridle Path doesn't climb any mountains, cross streams or offer technical challenges, but this slice of dirt in the midst of Manhattan offers trail runners respite from the concrete jungle.

By Lisa Jhung
PUBLISHED 05/16/2011
Trail Stats
Short loop: 1.66 miles around the reservoir
Longer loop: 2.5 miles around reservoir and extended
Full lollipop-shaped run (including two loops): 8 miles

Summed Up
Sandwiched between high-rises and traffic, the 843-acre Central Park provides a woodsy escape for recreation of all sorts. The wide, mostly flat, dirt Bridle Path is meant mainly for horses but is frequented by walkers and runners of all speeds, and circles the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir just below the main path along the water. Taking a sharp right (or veering left, depending on which way you approach it) around 96th Street descends a short hill before the dirt heads out towards the North Meadow Ball Fields towards the 102nd Street Traverse, back to the reservoir loop around West 93rd for a 2.5-mile run. The Bridle Path might not be everyone's idea of a trail run, but for city slickers and visitors alike, it offers an off-road option with plenty to look at--from spring-blooming cherry blossoms, to sightings of elite runners and movie stars.

Park Here
Multiple access points from both sides of the park make reaching the Bridle Path easy. The most direct is the Engineer's Gate at East 90th Street and Fifth Avenue, which puts you right on the dirt alongside the reservoir. But, you'll most likely be taking a cab, subway or your feet to get there. (The nearest subway station exits on the west side along Central Park West at 96th Street.) If you're in a cab on the East Side, tell the cabbie "Fifth Avenue and East 90th." Approaching from the West, easy access is available anywhere between West 86th and West 96th, along Central Park West (you'll hit the Bridle Path by simply heading east into the park).

Local Knowledge
To access rocky, hilly singletrack and to create a longer run, head south from the southwest side of the reservoir to a section known as "The Ramble." But, due to its secluded nature, the Ramble trails require a heightened awareness of safety issues.

For an eight-mile loop combining the Ramble and the Bridle Path, take the subway to Columbus Circle and start your run on the Ramble trails, then connect to the Bridle Path for two loops and return the way you came.

Share the Trail
Since this is a Bridle Path, after all, you may share the trail with equestrians occasionally. But you'll more likely see large numbers of other runners and walkers with or without their dogs.

Local Love
Today, the Bridle Path is perhaps the most popular running path in America, but its history dates back to the days or horse and buggy around the turn of the century. The Bridle Path has always been a busy trail.

Why We Love It
"It's nice to get on dirt in the middle of the city, and it's not uncommon to spot elite runners like Ryan Hall, Meb Keflezighi, Jen Rhines. I've also run by stars like Demi and Ashton, and Daniel Craig pushing a baby jogger."
Glen Redpath, New York, New York

More Dirt



  • ?
    saturn1218 2012.07.05 13:36
    Bridle path라는 사실을 몰랐어요. 한번도 말을 본적이 없는데, 언젠가 말을 볼 수 있겠네요. 이제 부터 표지도 잘 읽어 봐야겠네요.  아침에 습기가 엄청 많던데요. 6마일 뛰고 물을 많이 마셨습니다. 새벽운동을 하면 낮시간이 좀 덜 덥다는 것을 느낍니다.